Got A Great Model For Mental Health & Emotional Well-Being?

Ever wish you knew just a little bit more than you do?  Heard someone talking about something and had to pretend you were up on it?  Wished you had the time and energy to take on learning something new?  Felt a little like you’d fallen behind and might not ever catch up with the newest in your field?

If so, our Blog is for you.

The personal growth industry has become quite prolific in its offering of multiple ways to arrive at good mental health and emotional well-being.  There is so much, you can easily feel left behind and a bit confused about what might be best to explore. So how do you decide which offering is the most valuable?

The thing is – every model has something of value to offer – especially if you’re a coach, counselor, therapist, or hypnotherapist. The more models within your grasp, the greater probability you will have something that fits your client.

This is truly important, for it frees you from making the most common, and often the most hurtful, mistake of our profession: trying to fit your client into the one or two models you’ve chosen to learn – rather than finding the one that fits your client best.  And this can happen whether you’re just starting out, or the consummate, seasoned professional.

Our desire at To Help You Help Others is to expand your awareness of all the models in today’s marketplace for both mental health and emotional well-being.  We’ll show you how learning new ways of approaching old problems will not only refresh a possibly waning interest, but increase your success rate and the frequency of seeing your client’s eyes light up with delight and wonder at how they’ve reached their goal.

Here are just a few examples of things there is to learn:  Know How To:pic-context-content-user-660x450

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